Thursday, October 18, 2012

Country Girl at Home: Sunporch Chat with Lois of Walking on ...

Come on in!? Join Lois (of Walking on Sunshine)?and me on the sunporch!? She loves peach pie so that's what I'm serving today.? :)

Lois has been a long time blogging friend of mine.? I believe we started blogging the same year, if I remember correctly.? We have a few things in common, but most of all (and most importantly)?she's a sister in Christ.?:) ?Many of you already know Lois and know that she has?delicious recipes that can be found?at Walking on Sunshine any day of the week.??Regardless of whether you know Lois already or not, I know you'll enjoy getting to know her better today.

So grab your piece of pie, sit back, and enjoy the chat.? :)

1) How long have you been blogging and what/who gave you the desire to blog?

I started blogging four years ago; a few weeks before my dad had a terrible accident and died.
Blogging became my place to "get it all out" and along the way I have met
so many GREAT women that I am proud to call FRIENDS!

?2) How did you choose the name of your blog and why??

I chose the name, "Walking on Sunshine" after the song by Katrina and the Waves.
When The Colonel and I were dating, this was "our song" and I wanted the name
of my blog to somehow include my love for my husband and this does!?

3) What variety of topics do you post on your blog (examples - home decorating, family, gardening, recipes, adoption, homeschooling, crafting, etc....)

I think my blog description on my header photo answers THIS question,
"A place where I share a little of my life, but more importantly what's?for dinner at our house tonight."

I love to share a little of everything on my blog.
My favorite blog posts are Tuesday's Question where I ask a question; serious or funny.
?I really enjoy?reading all the comments!
And I also love to share the many recipes that I cook for my family!

Here's a photo of a recipe I posted just the other day.

4) Tell us a little about yourself and your family.

"The Colonel" and I have been married for 25 years and we have 2 children,
Olivia, who is 19 years old and Michael, who is 15 years old. ?

Olivia is a sophomore in college down in Florida

studying English and Michael is a sophomore in high school AND on the football team.

My husband recently came off of active duty and is now
working at a local university teaching?for the ROTC program.?

?He is still in the reserves and does his monthly weekends, with a few extra?trips throughout the year. ?

He was gone for the whole month of June and next year may be gone for May and June.

My Colonel receiving his Bronze Star in Afghanistan, Dec. 2010...
I happen to have the best job ever...
I'm a stay at home mom and I teach piano lessons.

5) How would you describe your decorating style?

I love primitives but also enjoy decorating with items that belonged to my relatives.

I have quite a few blue ball glass jars that were my grandmother's and I have added to them

over the years and display them on top of our kitchen cabinets. ?

I also have china and crystal pieces?that belonged to my mother and other family members. ?

They may not fit the "primitive" theme, but looking at them brings me joy.
In our kitchen hutch I have a set of antique dishes that belonged to my grandmother!

6) What's your favorite color and why?

I love a lot of colors! ?But the color blue makes me happy.?

7) Tell us a few of your favorite things (collections, things that make you happy, etc.).

My collection of Ball Jars makes me happy.
I have over 40!
8) What do you like to do in your spare time (hobbies, crafts, etc..)?
Lately, in my spare time I blog, spend time on Facebook with my Walking on Sunshine Page
and cook, try new recipes and of course clean, laundry, etc.
You can find my Walking on Sunshine Facebook Page HERE!
I would love for you to join the fun we have there.

9) What does your dream house look like? (Describe and/or include photo)

I really do enjoy the house we live in now.
10) If you could visit anywhere, anytime, where would it be and why?
I would LOVE to visit Germany.
My father grew up in Germany and I would love to visit the small village where my father
spent so many years and spoke of so lovingly. 11) Would you share with us a favorite homemaking/organizing tip or recipe, etc..?

I am a very organized person.
?The one thing I make sure to do in our house is,
"Have a place for everything?and have everything in its place."
I have found that to be the most easiest way to keep a tidy house. 12) Tell us something about yourself that we might not already know from reading your blog. (something unusual, etc..)

I can type VERY fast.
Up until last summer I worked from home as a transcriptionist.
I think playing the piano helps me a little!

13) Tell us a way God has blessed you and/or your family.

God has kept His hand upon my life from the day I was born.
I have always served Him and will until the day I die.
This is my prayer for my husband and now for both my children.

14) Share any words of wisdom and/or a favorite quote you'd like to leave with us.?

I would love to share with you one of my favorite scripture verses...

Psalms 30:12

"To the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent.?

O?Lord?my God, I will give thanks unto thee for ever."

Thank you so much for our chat Tammy!

I enjoyed our time and I hope you and your readers did also. ?




From Tammy:


Thank you, Lois, for joining me today on the sunporch for a chat.? I said we had several things in common.? You actually know one, Lois......we both teach piano lessons.? But another one you don't know......I also did transcribing for years (part-time at home).? Must be the piano playing, huh?? Most of all, I know you have a deep love for the Lord and family.? That's always an immediate bond.? Thank you so much for being my guest today!? :)



Thank you to everyone that joined us today.? I hope you enjoyed the visit and the peach pie.? I know Lois would love for you to stop by her blog here and visit and leave her a comment.? I always love hearing from you too!? I hope you're enjoying these Sunporch Chats as much as I am!?


Thank you so much!? Have a great day!? :)


? Tammy ?



the notebook duke basketball miranda july joe paterno near death joepa sc primary bill moyers

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