Friday, July 1, 2011

The technique of Emotional Freedom ? valuable information

The technique of Emotional Freedom is a way of healing, based entirely on the assumption that the emotions of the human body and physical symptoms, the energy system at the base of the body, commonly known as the acupuncture meridian system in value. This system is created and recognized by the Chinese for hundreds of years. From this system, the Emotional Freedom Technique was created in 1991 by Gary Craig, whowas an engineer at Stanford. Since the development of this technology has continuously worked to Craig, the technical applications of the emotional 's. improve

The basis of his theory is simple and just gives people a unique insight into their emotional experiences and how to interpret them. The technique Gary Craig's Emotional Freedom theorized that negative emotions caused primarily the result of some interferencewithin the energy system of the human body. And if these feelings are unresolved, the main cause of a variety of physical pains and diseases. The belief was that the feelings of anger and pain factors important in the pathogenesis of human diseases are also the belief of the Indian Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine is confirmed.

The process of emotional freedom began with a method that acupuncture needles is the main focus of the coupledthe mind to tackle the problems. The expert will then affect emotional freedom is different meridian points on the body and face while saying positive statements, otherwise known as "the phase of the Annunciation." These statements are relevant to the problem addressed. The sections are to open up channels of energy in the body so that they flow freely, which in turn frees the mind and body of old, useless energy. Once the energyChannels are clear, the individual will have a new brand of self-consciousness, that of releasing the negative aspects came the interruption of the energy system.

The technique of Emotional Freedom is actually a fairly simple, straightforward process that almost anyone can learn. This method is effective for use almost every problem, and once the person is with the process, he or she may be less stress, anxiety, fatigue, anxiety to enjoy,Headache, nervousness, poor concentration, and various other topics. The options for the use of this technology are virtually endless emotional and can be applied to almost any kind of problem. Of course, if you have problems that are very serious experience, you should get help from a professional with technical experience emotional and has an advanced skill level.

Children can also benefit from the technique of Emotional Freedom.Because children have a freer inhibition when compared to adults, children may conclude that the creative technology ", if sections are quite enjoyable. These incredible sense of humor, thought, is advantageous for the completion of this technique, so that the child relax during the healing process and perhaps an explanation of the proclamation of the fun in experiencing art 's Stadium, which usually means a higher positiveTransformation.

This technique was considered useful by many people who have used them to triumph over a variety of phobias, as well as those who were looking for an effective way to deal with a traumatic experience. In short, trying to think positively facilitate effective positive change.


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