Thursday, August 4, 2011

Health and Fitness Category - An Overview of Medigaps or Medicare ...

Medigaps or Medicare Supplements are private insurance policies that help people pay for some of the expenses or ?gaps? that Original Medicare does not cover. Such policies also help people pay for their share?deductibles, copayments, or coinsurance?of the costs of services covered by Original Medicare. However, Medicare Supplements do not cover people?s share of the costs of services under other types of health coverage like Veterans Administration (VA) benefits, employer/union group health coverage, stand-alone Medicare Prescription Drug Plans, or Medicare Advantage Plans.

In cases where people have Original Medicare and a Medicare Supplement, Medicare pays its share of the Medicare-approved amounts for covered health care expenses while the Medicare Supplement pays its corresponding share. Medicare Supplements differ from Medicare Advantage Plans, such as Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) and Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) plans, because they only supplement people?s Original Medicare benefits. Conversely, PPO and HMO plans are policies that seek to get Medicare benefits. It is worth noting that Medicare does not pay for people?s costs when obtaining a Medicare Supplement.

Some of the benefits that Medicare Supplements cover are Medicare Part A coinsurance and hospital costs up to an additional 365 days after benefits are exhausted, Part B coinsurance or copayment, Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayment, Parts A and B deductibles, and Part B excess charges. Medicare supplements may also cover first three pints of blood, coinsurance for skilled nursing facility care, and foreign travel emergency depending on plan limits. In contrast, Medicare Supplements generally do not cover private-duty nursing, dental or vision care, hearing aids, and long-term care like nursing home care.

One thing people must know is that they can only get Medicare Supplements if they have Medicare Parts A and B. Another thing is that such policies only cover one person. Married people need to buy separate Medicare Supplements.

The best time to buy Medicare Supplements is during the open enrollment period for such policies. Usually, this period lasts for 6 months. Nonetheless, some states have additional open enrollment periods especially for people below 65 years of age.

People can benefit from checking several Medicare Supplements to get the policy that is right for them. They can research online and seek free expert advice to help them during the crucial selection process. With the right policy, people can make a good investment for their health.


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