Sunday, May 15, 2011

How To Start Meditating ? Rauls Photos

If you want to start the Practice of Meditation, then nothing can stop you.

1. Find a place.

You can be home, or at a park, or the beach, even on the bus, as long as it?s peaceful and pleasant for you. Also try to find a favorite place when at home, and meditate there frequently to build up the energies.

2. Add extras

Extras are just that ? extra. Optional but can be very beneficial. Candles, music, healing crystals, pillows, even a friend. The more people meditating collectively, the stronger the energies will be.

3. Sit comfortably, or lie down.

Your back needs to be straight for chakra alignment, so if lying down, no pillows under the head. If seated, thwart legs indian stylishness, or place both feet flat on the floor.

4. Relax

Close your eyes, and start to release tension from all parts of the body. Work from the head down, or feet up. Shake the feet and hands, roll the head around a few times at a snail?s pace, bang you knees collectively, raise and lower the shoulders until you can feel very loose and relaxed.

5. Breathe

Breathing is the single most vital part of meditating There are many styles, but start with the most simple. Inhale owing to the nose, and puff out owing to the mouth. Do this as at a snail?s pace as you can tolerate. Count for both. Start with a count of 3 or 4, and gradually build up. Breathing also helps to keep the thoughts away.

6. Clock yourself

For the beginning, it?s best to get some thought of how long you sit in meditation. A kitchen timer is the best tool. Make your goal 15 minutes once a day, until you reach the point of being able to meditate as often or as long as you want.

7. Meditate daily

We all know what it?s like to start a new project, and then find reasons to stop. In meditation, there is no excellent reason to stop. It?s a discipline of the highest order. Meditate daily no matter what, even if you don?t feel like it. The energies and benefits build up, and drop by drop, you will know why you wanted to start in the first place.

Now you know how to Meditate. So get started. Delight in. Grow and heal. And welcome to the club.

I am a Holistic Therapist currently living and practicing Healing in Tel Aviv, Israel. I teach Meditation For Healing. Learn how to meditate, and you will learn how to heal yourself.
Feel free to check out my site on Meditation and Healing:

You are welcome to contact me by email with any questions or comments.


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