Sunday, May 29, 2011

Immigrant Bashing (Yes, the legal kind.) ? Right On Gallows

It seems that in certain corners of the Virginia blogosphere and in some corners of the conservative movement in general, there is an increasing hostility towards legal immigrants and naturalized American citizens from Latin and South America. In this era of illegal immigration, there are reasonable voices, and there are the talking heads who draw all the attention. I will start out by saying that I am a legal, Hispanic immigrant so I do have a dog in this fight.

I have actively opposed illegal immigration since I first became aware of the subject when I was around 14 or 15 years old. I have been a consistent voice opposing multiculturalism, affirmative action and supporting English as our national language. However, I will not tolerate people who will lump legal and illegal immigrants together. I have never been one to identify with racial politics, my conservative beliefs have always led me to adopt a color blind mindset, but it appears that some of our bloggers and activists on the right have lost sight of this vision. I am thinking of a certain prominent Loudoun blog especially.

Illegal immigrants are a drain on our economy, they cost us jobs, and lives. Illegal immigration must be stopped for a whole boat load of reasons. One key reason is that this fight has been perpetuating stereotypes against law abiding Hispanic citizens. It seems that this battle against illegal immigration, among some quarters, has moved beyond a law and order issue. More and more I see various people pit this as a battle between ?The West and South of the Border.? I?m not one to throw the R word around, but seriously?! Illegal immigrants come here and exploit our resources, I will not apologize for them. Legal Hispanic immigrants have come,?assimilated?and are perfectly well to do, western, Americans, thank you very much.

There is a danger in falling back to a nativist, ?clash of civilizations? mindset. The fact that I am a Hispanic does not make me a threat. My cultural background does not make me less of an American. Former Bush administration official Linda Chavez got it right when in 2006, she wrote a column in the National Review calling out the right?s willingness to at times, tacitly embrace nativism. America is a nation where all can thrive if they try hard enough and enter this country the right way.

Looking at this more on a national scale, The National Review has honestly been one of the leading players in this. NRO contributers such as John Derbyshire and Mark Krikorian are prime examples. The immigration reduction movement, which has it?s basis in the eugenics movement, is still something which is somehow seen as acceptable by some. Legal, law abiding Hispanic immigrants are citizens just as natural born, white citizens are. Hispanic culture does not pose any danger to ?the West.?

The majority of conservatives do not tow this nativist line. Hell, I?d be willing to bet only about 5% do. But that five percent can be damaging. I am an American above all else (other than a Christian) and I enjoy the benefits and?privileges?of living on the greatest nation on earth. Anyone who knows me, knows that I have been a Republican activist for years. George Allen inspired my activism and my conservative beliefs many years ago. I?ve had people ask me how I can be a Hispanic and conservative. I used to laugh at this, I still do. First because my ethnicity does not influence my life or play any great deal in it at all. Now though, with some of the LEGAL immigrant bashing that seems to be acceptable in some conservative circles, I can begin to see why some might ask this. Is it still a question that is loaded? Absolutely. When nativism rears it?s ugly head though, I have to speak up. Legal immigrant/Hispanic bashing used to be something that could be?attributed?to the fringe Pat Buchanan types, but now thanks to the likes of Derbyshire, MacDonald, Krikorian and a certain Prince William/Loudoun blogger, hostile attitudes towards all immigrants and Hispanics in general, is creeping it?s way into the mainstream.

I?d ask my fellow conservatives to reject and condemn these attitudes. They have no place in the conservative movement. We are the party of Civil Rights. While we should never cave into the amnesty and identity politics crowd, I would hope that the movement does it?s best to rid itself of those who want to play white or?European?identity politics. Conservative politics is about being color blind, so for the love of God let?s keep it that way!



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